In case of any further inquiry please call the following numbers: 0747 929 770 | 0736 929 770 | 0786 929 770 | 0678 929 670

   2024/2025 Application for Certificate Program - Currently : September Intake Round 1Open - Deadline: 15-Aug-2024

Help & Support Contacts Information
  • In case of any further inquiry please call the following numbers: 0747 929 770 | 0736 929 770 | 0786 929 770 | 0678 929 670
Other Help & Support Documents

Certificate Programmes:


1. Certificate in Accountancy and Business Administration (CABA).

2. Certificate in Records Management  (CRM).

3. Certificate in Law (CL).


 Entry Requirements


A. General Requirements:


  • Form IV with at least four passes


B. Specific Requirements:


1. For Certificate in Accountancy and Business Administration (CABA).


  • At least four (4) passes at ‘O’ level.


2. For Certificate in Records Management (CRM).


  • At least four (4) passes at ‘O’ level.


3. For Certificate in Law (CL).


  • At least four (4) passes at ‘O’ level including English.


Go to Step Two
Education Certification(s) Verifications
NB: All Information to be entered must be valid and From your Education Certificates
* Means Mandatory/Required Fields.
Index No format: S0123/0012/2009 or P0123/0012/2009 . e.g S0200/0004/2010
Secondary Education*
Form IV Index No/Equivalent*
In case of Multiple Sittings Use the Latest Index Number

Other Education Qualifications
Login Information
Remember your Email Address and Password. They are needed for Login to the system to finish Applying
Email Address*
Email Address Confirm*
Active Phone No*
Make Sure the Phone Number is Reachable for Receiving Notification and Updates about your application
Confirm Phone Number*
Password Confirm*

In case of any further inquiry please call the following numbers: 0747 929 770 | 0736 929 770 | 0786 929 770 | 0678 929 670

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