In case of any further inquiry please call the following numbers: 0747 929 770 | 0736 929 770 | 0786 929 770 | 0678 929 670

   2024/2025 Application for Ordinary Diploma - Currently : September Intake Round 1Open - Deadline: 15-Aug-2024

Help & Support Contacts Information
  • In case of any further inquiry please call the following numbers: 0747 929 770 | 0736 929 770 | 0786 929 770 | 0678 929 670
Other Help & Support Documents

Diploma Programmes:


  • Diploma in Busines Administration and Management (DBAM)
  • Diploma in Law (DL)

  • Diploma in intercultural Relations (DIR)
  • Diploma in Journalism (DJo)


Direct Entry Requirements


  • Form IV with At least three credits at O’ Level and
  • Form VI with One Principal pass and a subsidiary pass


Equivalent Entry Requirements


  • Form IV with at least four passes and
  • A certificate in relevant field from a recognised institution



Go to Step Two
Education Certification(s) Verifications
NB: All Information to be entered must be valid and From your Education Certificates
* Means Mandatory/Required Fields.
Index No format: S0123/0012/2009 or P0123/0012/2009 . e.g S0200/0004/2010
Secondary Education*
Form IV Index No/Equivalent*
In case of Multiple Sittings Use the Latest Index Number

A-Level/Diploma Certificate*

Login Information
Remember your Email Address and Password. They are needed for Login to the system to finish Applying
Email Address*
Email Address Confirm*
Active Phone No*
Make Sure the Phone Number is Reachable for Receiving Notification and Updates about your application
Confirm Phone Number*
Password Confirm*

In case of any further inquiry please call the following numbers: 0747 929 770 | 0736 929 770 | 0786 929 770 | 0678 929 670

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